6 Ways To Make A Man Chase You

Men are compelled to chase feminine women,

not because they make an intellectual decision that they want to pursue a feminine woman,

but because they are biologically attracted to feminine energy.

It’s in their DNA.3


Because it reinforced their own masculine energy.

In other words, they feel more into their masculine self, they feel more manly.

…And they adore that feeling.

This is what makes a man chase a woman.

If you want him to chase you, you have to understand these 3 things first:

1. A woman chasing a man is a turn-off for men.

When a man chases a woman, it comes from a place of power and manhood.

That’s is what men are built to do biologically.

Men enjoy the chase, the adrenaline rush,

the uncertainty around how you feel about them,

the idea that they had to work hard for you and earn your love.

When a woman chases a man, it usually comes from a place of neediness and desperation,

driven by worry and anxiety, which inevitably lowers her confidence and her feminine energy.

And guess what?

It only results in pushing a quality man away or attracting ones who see her as an opportunity to take advantage of.

I think if you ever chased a man, you know that women do not enjoy the feelings resulting from chasing a man.

2. Polarity is the name of the game

The modern dating view is wrong when it comes to men and how they operate.

Men and women have equal rights and obligations in today’s society.

There is no question about that.

But when it comes to love, romance and relationships, it works differently.

It’s no longer about equality but it’s more about polarity and complementarity

( and if you don’t believe me, just look around you at the number of high achieving highly successful women who are miserable in love).

Romantically, men and women are at opposite poles who attract each other.

That means you can’t ACT like a man if you want to Attract a man (and not just any man, but the high quality man of your dreams).

What you should do is to understand your feminine energy and be well-grounded in it.

You need to master the polarity game and become a feminine woman with a man.


3. You should prioritize dating the men that like you over the ones you like but haven’t expressed interest in you

Modern dating tells us that men and women can pursue each other in the same way.

In theory, a woman can approach a man who has no interest in her and make him like her.

Intellectually it’s a good theory, except it does not always work that way in real life.

In real life, a woman will attract multiple men, then she picks the one she likes from the pack, aka the winner (except in rare cases, which you will always find).

It is far less common than a woman will turn a man who had no interest in her and make him like her and eventually fall in love with her.


In conclusion, if you want a man to inspire a man to pursue you, you should definitely not chase him and you should be operating from your feminine energy.

When you get these 3 points, then you will be able to make a man who has already expressed interest in you chase you.

So what does a feminine woman do ( or not do ) that makes a man want to chase her?

For many years I looked very feminine but I was operating from my masculine energy.

So I did exactly what I am going to ask you not to do in this post

because it only lead to bad experiences with men, to be honest.

So if you want to encourage a man to pursue you and chase you,

whether he is a Cancer, a Virgo, or a Capricorn,

you have to not only look feminine but also cultivate the feminine energy in you.

In the following, I will explain the 6 feminine, real and without playing games, ways to make a man chase you.


1. Don’t make the first move

A move is an interest signal.

A feminine woman does not send around interest signals to men who had not expressed interest in her.

She rather responds to their interest signals.

She is able to do that because she has accepted that she won’t choose a man out of the blue,

but rather she will wait for men to approach her.

Only then she will be able to choose the one she wants to be with.

So if you want a man to see you as worthy of being chased, simply avoid making first moves.

That includes approaching men at work or social gatherings,

sending the first text after being matched on a dating app, friending or following men on social media,

DMing a coworker, or blunting going after his phone number and asking him out.

Of course, you can approach men if you don’t have any romantic intentions and they might turn out to be interested in you.

That could happen.

but as a rule of thumb, do not make first moves as most of the time the man is:

  1. Not interested
  2. Is turned off by the first move ( and trust me I also believed that many men are impressed by how empowered and confident a woman must be when she makes the first move but that’s only intellectually, deep down or subconsciously, they don’t feel the same and they almost always prefer if they approach )
Don’t Miss: How To Get A Man Addicted To You?


2. Have an abundance mindset

A feminine woman is secure in her ability to attract as many men as she needs at any stage of her life.

She believes there are enough men out there for her not to be panicking if things don’t work out with one of them.

So she does not need to retain those who want to leave her life or who are not interested.

She is conscious that she won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and she is perfectly okay with it.

But she knows her time will come when she meets the right man.

If you want to learn more about the mindsets of a high value woman, aka a woman who has a trait of men chasing her ALL the time, head over to my 9 mindsets of a high value woman post.

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3. Be warm and welcoming

Not sending the first interest signal does not mean hiding your interest or playing games.

A feminine woman will receive interest signals from men with warm and welcoming energy.

A feminine woman adopts what is called “High intention low attachment”, which basically means that she hopes for the best but plans for the worst.

Practically, this means she shows and gives her best self as if the man is potentially Mr. Right,

Yet she builds little to no expectations and has very little attachment to the outcome of a relationship if she has not been given solid reasons to do so, even when she really likes the man and when he ticks most of her boxes.

She truly believes that if things don’t work out with him, there are many others who would line up to be in a relationship with her (abundance).

This mindset allows the feminine woman to behave in a fun and playful way that communicates her low attachment,

because she has no expectation whatsoever and that shows how much confidence she has in herself and little worry about the romantic status she has.

Don’t Miss: 12 Phrases That Drive Men Wild In Bed

4. Let the man lead

The feminine woman has given up on trying to control the dynamic of the relationship or even more practical aspects such as planning dates, starting conversations, and being too proactive.

Let him do this work and sit back and relax.

I made that mistake for many years and I reckon it was one of the main reasons for my failed relationships.

5. Be a bit mysterious

If you want to learn more about that, head over to my other post on how to be mysterious with men.

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6. Rotational dating

To support her feminine energy of lightness, playfulness, and low attachment, a feminine woman will be seeing many men at one and in parallel.

There is nothing wrong with that as long as it is done in the dating phase.

A feminine woman does not commit to seeing one person unless she is given solid reasons to do so, aka strong interest signals such as a man pursuing and actively chasing her.

And even then, she knows that seeing other men will create a competitive dynamic among men without her telling, as her energy will speak for her.

Try it, you will be amazed at the results.


If you want to learn how to step up your dating and relationship game, if you want to learn how to become a high value feminine woman and attract high quality men, check out this self help program.

This program will show you in detail how to transform yourself and your love life by understanding the dynamics of romantic relationships.

It will take you deep into a man’s mind and psychology and will demystify what men really want and need for you.

You will be better equipped after the program to create the loving and secure relationship of your dreams whether you are currently single trying to date men or already in a relationship.

Check it out here.

Also, grab your FREE “Attraction triggers in a man” guide.


Thanks for reading this post,

The Secret To Making A Man Fall In love With You ==> His Secret Obsession
How To Drive A Man Wild About You==> Language Of Desire
How To Make Him Into You Through Texts ==> Text Chemistry